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Double appointed?

What if I am asking a question about my wife, and in the hexagram I see 2 wife stars?   Which wife star should I focus on?

Yes, sometimes you will see a 'double appointed' in your hexagram.  Just focus on the one that is stronger or closer to the self line.  If one is moving and the other one is not moving, just take the moving line as the appointed.

For example: 

Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
  wa e - Viii   s & yo


Too much
G wa --
R yo -
P h - J
R yo -
P h -
G c -- U

If you are asking about your wife, take the G wife star as your appointed.  But there are two of them in this hexagram.  Which one should you use?  Since you should take the stronger one and ignore the weaker one, G wa 6th line is the one you should use.  G wa has the same element as the month's element.  The 1st line G c is weak because the month is striking it.  So don't use the 1st line.

Here is my explanation why you should use the stronger of the two:  Let's say you are thinking about a girl named Emily.  Emily appears in your dreams, and all you think about is Emily.  If two wife stars appear on your hexagram, the stronger wife star should represent Emily.  And the other not so strong wife star can represent Jenny or Tina or Mary, or whoever.  You think more about Emily than anyone else.   Therefore, Emily shall be represented by the strongest or the most active wife star. 

Say you are asking about money, and there are 2 G stars showing up on your hexagram.  If one G star is moving while the other is not moving, the moving G star should always be appointed!  The reason why a line moved is because God is trying to tell you something important.  So a moving line is more important than a non-moving line.

A man bought some stocks, but the stocks' value dropped.  He tossed the coins asking can he break even in month m, and he got [Consolidate] and [Feed].

Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
  s yo - Viii   t & c


6 match
R y - R y -
G t -- G t --
B sh -- U B sh --
G h o B cn --
B c -- R y --
R m - J G t -

The self line R m turns into a money star G t.  The 3rd line's money star G h moves.  So which one should we appoint?  Of course the 3rd line G h is our appointed because it moved.  He asked can he break even in month m.  Although the self line R m is dead, it moves turning into G t which produces back at itself.  (R m moves because the date yo strikes with it.)  The 3rd line G h also is producing the self line.  So the self line R m cannot die.  So can this man break even in month m?  I say probably not because the 3rd line G h money star ran into B cn which kills back at itself.   Right now, B cn cannot kill back at G h because B cn is bounding to the date.   But in month m, the bondage will be broken allowing B cn to kill G h.  What a coincidence?  This man asked can he break even in month m, and the sign says the money star will be killed by the B star in month m.  This means God told him he cannot break even in month m. 

Result:  The stock value did went up in month m, but he didn't break even that month.

Another example:  Some guy asked about his grand daughter.  He got [Solution] and [Commander].

Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
  w m - Vi    


Solution Commander
G sh --
R s -- U
K w o
K w --
G cn - J
B y --

Since this man asked about his grand daughter, the appointed star should be K.   But there are 2 of them in here.  According to the ancient books, you should take the one that is moving and just disregard the one that is not moving.  But since the 3rd line and the 4th line has the exact same element, they are actually linked together.  So they are actually one!

Take the one that is not hurt and toss away the one that is damaged.  For example, some guy asked about his parents.  He got [Trapped] and [Duay].

Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
  y m - iV    


Trapped Duay
P wa --
B yo -
K h - U
R w --
P cn -
G y X J

If you ask about your parents, take the P star.  In the hexagram, there are two P stars.   The one that's closest to the self line is weaker than the one on the 6th line.   Why?  Because the 1st line wood moves killing the 2nd line's P star.   But the P star on the 6th line is far away from the 1st line.  1st line cannot hurt the 6th line too much because they are far apart.  Therefore the 6th line is stronger.   Master Shou Wei-Hua would say you should use the 6th line as your appointed.   But in ancient text, it also said that you should take the one that is closest to the self line.  My philosophy is watch out for both of them.  If you don't understand the meaning of the sign, just toss the coins again and get another sign. 

Tom asked in which month will the stock market perform the best.  God showed him [Bride] and [Quen].

Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
  h m - Vi   s & yo


Bride Quen
6 strike
P sh -- U B yo --
B s -- K h --
R w o P c --
P c -- J G m --
G m o R e --
R e o P wa --

The R stars represents 'People buy.'  If people buy, the stock market will improve.  So if the R star produces the self line, the stock market will improve.   There are two R stars.  One is the 4th line which links to the self line.   The other is the 1st line which is being produced by G m.  So which one is appointed?

Result:  The stock value rose in month e, and it rose even higher in month w, and it reached the top peak in month yo.

Another Kind of Double Appointed

Let's see the sign first:  A man asked when will his antique car's engine break down, and God told him that his antique car shall keep running for a long time.  But a few days later, he somehow suspected that God might be telling him that his car engine will break down on day t.  He therefore grew concerned and tossed the coins again.  "Will my car engine break down on day t?"  This time, he received [Consolidate] and [Rich].

Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
  sh w - Vii   sh & h


6 match
R y o B sh --
G t -- K s --
B sh x U P w -
G h - G h -
B c -- B c --
R m - J R m -

This man's antique car is his favorite car.  They don't manufacture it anymore, and he loves it very much.  So seems like the G star (valuable property) must represent the car engine.  The U line and the 6th line form a P combo which represents 'Something happening'.  The P combo bounds to the self line because the U line B sh moves bounding to the self line.  The G star has been struck by the date w.  But the G star is quite strong because it moves turning into K s which produces back at itself.  The G star also moves to produce the self line.  The P combo is now bounding to the date w because the U line P w bounds to the date.  But on day t, the bondage shall break allowing the P combo to bound to the self line.  So both the P combo and the G star will move on day t.  We have one big problem:

Result:  The car engine ran very smoothly and did not break down, but electrical problem occured on day c which made this man send his car to an antique auto repair shop.   So afterall, the G star does represent the engine which did not break down.   The P combo represents the electrical problem.

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Written by Alex Y.C. Chiu

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