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Love and Marriage

This is probably my weakest section.  I never had much luck with women.   I tossed a few times and result was never too good.  Most people get divorced anyways.  So do your own research when it comes to love and relationship.  Don't rely on my observation.

R represents a boyfriend or a husband.  G represents a girlfriend or a wife.  U represents his/her feeling. 

Relationship signs are actually the most complicated of all types of signs.   So I cannot give you a generalization of what the stars mean.  You just have to read this chapter to get a feel of things.

A girl threw the coins asking when can she get married.  She got [Well] and [Rise].

Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
cn e yo - Viii   t & c


Well Rise
P t -- R yo --
G sh o J P h --
R s -- G c --
R yo - R yo -
P h - U P h -
G c -- G c --

The self line G has moved and turned into P star.  P represents "happening".  If you ask, "When will it happen?", P probably is your appointed star because P represents happening, a news, an action, etc.  G turning into P means she will definitely get married.  The self line sh moved and turned into P.  So in the month of sh, you will get married. 

Result:  As predicted, she got married in the month of sh. 

I tossed the coins asking God if I can meet a certain girl in month y.   God gave me [Rot] and [Rise].

Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
  c w - I   w & wa


Rot Rise
B y o U R yo --
P t -- P h --
G sh -- G c --
R yo - J R yo -
P h - P h -
G c -- G c --

This sign could not have been clearer.  The B y loneliness star will move in month y to link to the self line.  Yes I will be lonely in month y.  

Then I tossed the coins again asking can I meet her in month cn.  I got [Abide] and [Little much].

Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
  c yo - iV   cn & e


Abide Little Much
G wa -- U G sh --
R yo o R s --
P h - K w -
G cn x J R s -
B y -- K w --
P t o G cn --

If one asks about money or business, the R star is a friend.  But when a man asks about a woman, the R star is an enemy.  If you ask about money, the R star represents success.  But when a man asks about a girl, the R star can only represent a competitor or another man.  In this sign, the 5th line R star moved bounding to the self line.  Although the 5th line R star is retreating, it cannot retreat because the self ine is bounding and producing it.  And they are only 2 lines apart.  So the self line has lots of energy to prevent the R star from retreating.  The self line receives an enemy R star.  I got competition.  This sign is bad.

Result:  I never met that girl again.

Let's say you are a man who tosses the coins asking about a woman.  If you see the G woman star moving and turning into an R star, that woman is affiliating with another man without a doubt, even if the R star is the same as the R star on the self line.

For example:

A man is asking a woman out on a trip.  They are not lovers yet, but the man hopes that this trip can bring them closer together.  He tossed the coins and asked is she interested in more than just a friendship.  He got [Rot] and [Cup].

Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
  s cn - III   t & c


Rot Cup
B y - U K e -
P t -- G wa --
G sh x R yo -
R yo - J R yo -
P h - P h -
G c -- G c --

If this question is about money, this would have been a great sign because the money star G sh moves turning into R yo which links to the self line R yo.  That means the money is coming.  But too bad that this question is about a woman.  In love related questions, whenever a G woman star moves turning into an R star, she is meeting another man.  And most likely, she will belong to another man.  Even if the 4th line R yo is linking to the self line, it won't help.

Result:  He told me, "That's right!  She does have a boyfriend, but they are living apart and are not getting along well."  But based on my experience, this kind of sign can only mean that the girl will go back to her boyfriend.  Then few days later, he said that the girl went back to her boyfriend.

A woman tossed the coins asking will her marriage last.  She received [Need] and [Too much] from God.

Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
  e h - II   s & yo


Need Too much
G t -- B wa --
B sh - K yo -
K s x J G h -
B cn - K yo -
R y - G h -
G t o U B c --

If a woman asks about love, all G stars or combos that favor G stars are enemies.   In this hexagram, the 1st line and the 2nd line form a 'yhtc combo'.  And we all know that the G star in this combo is the ultimate winner. 

Result:  Later, Wild Crane met this woman on the street and asked her about the outcome.  She told Wild Crane that they divorced in the month of y.  Her husband married another woman in the month of wa. 

I get this kind of sing a lot!  A single hexagram with the U line G star producing the self line R.  One day, I tossed the coins asking will Francheska go out with me.   I got [Big Storage]:

Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
  y y - I   y & m


R y -
G t -- U
B sh --
B cn -
R y - J
G t -

Trust me, if you are a man and you see the U line G t is producing the self line, you got no chance with this woman.  I got this kind of sign too many times.  It's a no brainers.  I know it's kind of weird; Isn't a G girl star producing the self line a good sign?  Well, I think in this case, when a man tosses the coins asking will a girl go out with him, the R star represents trouble, and the G star that produces the R star made the situation even more troublesome.  The R star in this sign does not represent you but represent trouble.

Some guy asked when will he have a girlfriend.  He got [Feed].

Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
  w yo - II   w & wa


B y -
P t --
G sh -- J
G cn --
B y --
P t - U

The G woman stars are producing the date yo.  That means girls are going away to chase after another man.  Not a good sign. 

The guy took the coins and tossed again.  This time, he got [Difficulty] and [Humble].

Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
  wa yo - II   w & wa


Difficulty Humble
K t -- B yo --
P sh o K h --
B s -- J P c --
B s - B s -
G  m R w -- R w --
P cn -- U P cn --

First sign indicates that you will stay single for many years.  This sign indicates that you might have some luck in year sh.  In year sh, the 5th line's P sh frustration star will turn into a happiness star.

Result:  The man stayed single for many years.  But later he got a girlfriend for a very short time in year h.

A man asked, "Is my girlfriend having an affair with somebody else?", and he received [Revolution] and [Step].

Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
  t w - V   t & c


Revolution Step
R wa x R sh -
P yo - P s -
B h - J G w -
G  w B h o R c --
R c x K m -
K m - U G e -

The 3rd line B h repels away the 1st line G e.  You are losing her.

Result:  He began to lose her on day t as his girlfriend told him the truth on that day. 

My aunt tossed the coins asking will she and her boyfriend's relationship last.   She got [Shun] and [Cup].

Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
  e c - Vi   w & wa


6 strike
B m - J K e -
K e o G wa --
G wa x R yo -
R yo - U R yo -
P h - P h -
G c -- G c --

6 strike on the 1st toss.  No hope.  The self line is also repelling away the 4th line R yo.  Right now, the 4th line cannot be repelled away because the 4th line G wa has been struck loose by the date.  But in month w or month wa, the husband star R yo will be gone!

Result:  In month w, my aunt bragged that her boyfriend is treating her very kindly.  She said that my prediction must be wrong because she sees no sign which hints that her boyfriend will ever leave her.  I said, "Month wa is just a few days away.  Please wait until month wa before you speak."  Then, in month wa, she told me that her boyfriend all of a sudden told her that they were not meant for each other.  So she was dumped by her boyfriend in month wa.  She later found out that her boyfriend dumped her for another woman. 

I like this girl Elsa a lot.  So I tossed the coins asking when will I meet Elsa again.  I got [Hide].  I expected to meet her within 10 days.

Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
  wa t - I   t & c


P sh -
B s - U
R w -
B s -
G  y R w -- J
P cn --

A strong G hiding under the self line.  G woman star produces the self line R.   On day y, G y will appear.  So Elsa will appear on day y!

Result:  On day y, my friend and I decided not to go to my brothers house, so we can't meet her on that day.  I thought that's pretty strange.  How can the hexagram be wrong?  G y is pretty strong, and it is producing the self line.  Is God telling me a lie?  Then all of a sudden, someone knocked on my door.  I opened the door, and there she was.  She came to surprise my friend and me.  Did God lie?  No!

I was fighting over a girl named Elsa with my best friend.  I threw coins and asked, "Will I have sex with Elsa?"  I got [Return] and [Joy].

Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
  cn t - iX   y & m


             K   yo  - -     B   sh  - -
             G   h   - -     K   s   - -
             B   c   X  U    P   w   - U
             B   cn  - -     R   m   - -
             R   y   - -     P   e   - -
             G   t   O  J    B   wa  - - J
             6 match         6 match

The U line B c moved turning into P w which bounds to the self line's B wa.  This means the self line has received the B star.  The B star is the woman killer.   Right now, both J and U cannot move because they are both bounding to the date t.   But in month w, both J and U shall move.  Elsa will reject me in month w.   The double 6 match in this sign means nothing.

Result: She went to LA for college. We only met once in month w before she left for school.  I didn't have sex with her. 

I tossed the coins asking when will I meet a girl who I like very much.  God gave me [Revolution] and [Duay].

Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
  m t - V   w & wa


Revolution Duay
6 strike
R wa -- R wa --
P yo - P yo -
B h - J B h -
B h o R c --
R c x K m -
K m - U G e -

The 3rd line B h repels away the girl star G e.

Result:  I didn't meet her.

A guy tossed the coins asking will a girl who he likes become his girlfriend.  The Lord gave him [Consolidate] and [Zen].

Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
cn y w - III   y & m


6 match
6 strike
R y o B sh --
G t -- K s --
B sh x U P w -
G h o B cn --
B c -- R y --
R m - J G t -

 The self line R m turns into G t.  The 1st line represents now.  You and that girl are cool now.

Result:  The man told me that she threatens to call the police if he continues to bother her.  They never became lovers at the end.

A guy asked about his marriage.  God gave him [Wonderful].

Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
  yo e - Viii   s & yo


6 match
K yo -- U
G h --
B c --
B cn - J
R y -
G t -

The self line is B.  B is the wife killer.  That's not a good sign.  The wife star is not connected to the self line in any way.  The wife star is strong, but that doesn't mean a thing.  The date is striking at the wife star G h.    The wife star is very unstable, meaning she fools around a lot.  You can't win her heart back because the Lord doesn't want you guys to be together. 

Result:  This man begged Wild Crane to allow him to toss a few more times.   Then he tossed more than 10 times.  Each time he tossed, the Lord gave him either a retreating wife star, a healthy B star sitting on the self line, or a 6 strike.   Then he and his wife divorced.

I like a teenage girl a lot.  I tossed the coins asking can I date Yuko (the teenage girl).  God gave me [Return] and [Bride].

Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
e m h - X   t & c


6 match
K yo -- B sh --
G h -- K s --
B c x U P w -
B cn -- B c --
R y x R m -
G t - J P e -

Both J and U are empty on the 1st toss.  There is no way for me to date her.  The 2nd line R y moves and advances.  And worst of all, the 2nd line's R star appears in the middle of J and U.   Therefore, the 2nd line's R star represents another guy who will appear between me and the girl.  When you see stuff like this, you know that she will have another boyfriend.  The U line's strong B moves and kills the self line's woman star.   There is no way for me to date her.

Result:  I never dated her.  Then one of my friends told me that Yuko found a boyfriend.

A man asked can he date and have sex with a certain girl, and God gave him [Big storage] and [Separate].

Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
  sh sh - I   sh & h


Big Storage Separate
R y - R m -
G t x U P e -
B sh -- B wa --
B cn o P w --
R y - J B cn -
G t o R y --

The 1st line's G t repelled away the 3rd line's frustration star.  This is a good sign. 

Result:  He met that girl on day t and had a dinner.  But they never had sex later.  The reason why he met that girl on day t is because the U line G t moved producing the self line, or the 1st line G t moved repelling away the P w frustration star.

A woman divorced her husband.  But after awhile, she felt lonely and asked if she and her husband can reunite.  She tossed the coins and got [Li] and [Travel].

Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
  wa e - iV   t & c


6 strike
6 match
B e - J B e -
K wa -- K wa --
G yo - G yo - U
R h - U G s -
K c -- B w --
P m o K cn -- J

6 strike turns into 6 match.  That means first hate, and then love.   First separate, and then reunite.  The first line's frustration star P m moved turning into joy.  So there is good news in month m.

But unfortunately, whenever you see a 6 strike turning into a 6 match, at the end the couple will not last.  Remember a 6 strike turning into a 6 match is always a dead end.  No exceptions.  Whenver you get this kind of sign, couple will try to come together but will separate again shortly after.

Result:  In the month of m, they remarried.  Why in the month of m?  Well, look at the 1st line!  P m is a moving line.  So in the month of m, P m turned into a happiness star K cn.  But few months later, they divorced again.  

A man wants to marry a girl.  He tossed the coins asking will their marriage last.   He got [Travel] and [Difficulty].

Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
  sh m - X   cn & e


6 match
B e o R t --
K wa x K sh -
G yo o U G s --
G s - G s -
B w -- B w --
K cn -- J K cn --

The U line G yo moves and bounds to the self line.  The man gets the girl.   The self line is not a trouble star R but a joy star K.  So this is a good sign.

Result:  They got married in month cn, but their marriage didn't last very long.  

A woman tossed the coins asking about her boyfriend.  When can they get married?   She got [Revolution] and [Same].

Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
  cn y - V   s & yo


Revolution Same
R wa x R sh -
P yo - P s -
B h - J G w -
B h - B h -
R c -- R c --
K m - U K m -

I said to her, "J produces U.  You love him very much.  The R star moves and bounds to the element G w which the self line has turned into.  You guys are already talking about marriage."  "Yes.   That's right.", she replied.    The 6th line R advances.  R represents husband or boyfriend.  If R advances bounding to the self line, it means that your boyfriend will propose.  I think you guys will get married in month e or in month w.  In month e, e strikes the self line B h causing B h to move and to turn into G w which bounds to the top line R wa.  In month w, the top line R wa moves bounding to the self line G w.  The top line can also move in the month of wa.  

Result:  The couple got married in the month of wa. 

I tossed the coins asking will I be able to talk to Elsa today.  I got [Travel] and [Gen].

Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
  wa sh - III   w & wa


6 match
6 strike
B e - P y -
K wa -- R t --
G yo o U K sh --
G s - G s -
B w -- B w --
K cn -- J K cn --

It's a 6 match turning into a 6 strike.  So does that mean I can't speak to her today?  But wait!  The date sh is striking the self line cn, so self line cn is actually moving.  The 4th line G represents Elsa.  G star moves bounding to the self line, and self line is also moving bounding to the G star.   No problem!   I will definitely talk to her today.  Why today?  Because today is sh, and sh is striking the self line cn so that self line cn will bound to the G star.   So today is the day which I shall talk to her.  But since the G star has turned into K sh which strikes with the self line, in the month of sh, Elsa will be gone!   (Striking means leaving.)

Result:  She called me on that day.  She went to LA for college in the month of yo.  So from the month of sh, I didn't see her anymore.

Important:  For men only!

If you toss the coins asking about a girl that you like, the hexagram [Queen] means she is a bitch!  That's what the ancient text said.  At first I didn't believe it.   But after doing several readings concerning marriage and love, I found that statement to be true. 

For example:  A man tossed the coins asking will his marriage be a successful one.   He is not married yet, but he will soon.  He got [Queen] and [Lawsuit].

Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
  yo m - iV   sh & h


Queen Lawsuit
P sh - P sh
B s - B s
R w - U R w J
B yo o R w
G y K h - P cn
P c -- J G y U

Result:  He didn't listen to me.  He married her. Within 10 days prior to their wedding, the husband filed for a divorce.  The wife took away half of his house plus many valuables.  When the wife moved out of the house, she made a terrible mess.  The reason why she has also costed him lots of money is because the U line is linked to a strong moving B star.  B star is also the money killer.

A woman tossed the coins asking about her marriage.  She got [Intercourse] and [Combine].

Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
  w h - Viii   y & m


Intercourse Combine
P wa -- U P wa --
B yo - B yo -
K h - K h -
B s o J G m --
G m R w -- R e --
P cn -- P wa --

The self line moved and got a G m competition star.  that's not good.

Result:  Right after she did this reading, she and her husband started to fight.   In the year w, they divorced. 

A man asked will a girl who he likes become his girlfriend.  He got [Solution] and [Wonderful].

Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
w wa e - X   w & wa


      Solution - 40     Wonderful - 11

      G sh - -          R yo - -      wht
      R s  - - U        P h  - -      gry
      K w   O           G c  - -      yel
      K w   X           G cn  -       red
      G cn  -  J        B y   -       grn
 P t  B y   X           P t   -       blk

                        6 Match

The 1st line's P frustration star repels away the 3rd line's K w loser star.  The 4th line G c moves killing the 5th line P h frustration star.  But too bad that the 5th line P h is being produced by the 5th line R s.  So frustration remains.

Result:  The guy who tossed the coins told me that he has somehow offended this girl, and now the girl hates him. 

I tossed the coins asking on which day will I meet Elsa, the girl who I like.  I got [Extreme] and [Too much].

Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
  cn h - Vi   cn & e


Extreme Too Much
B wa -- B wa --
K yo - J K yo -
G h - G h -
B cn - K yo -
R y - U G h -
G t o B c --

The 1st and the 2nd line form a 'yhtc combo'.  In this combo, the R y is the ultimate winner.  But R y is not the self line.  So is R y a friend or an enemy?

Result:  Elsa came to my house on day t, and at hour c.  If the money star G t does not produce the self line, no money shall be lost. 

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©2001  Registered with the US Copyright Office.   All rights reserved.
Written by Alex Y.C. Chiu

If you would like to write your own I-Ching book after you have mastered I-Ching, please ask the author for permission to use all of our element symbols, date symbols, calendar indications, charts, and the names of the hexagrams.  We encourage an unification of English I-Ching symbols so more people can learn about I-Ching.